Assignment Details

Cover lesson work


7S RE Mrs Filippi


Oct. 17, 2024

Additional Info
Hi 7S, 

As we discussed on Tuesday, please can you complete your newspaper articles on the baptism of Jesus. Use the work we have done in the last two lessons to help you and ensure you include your interviews. 

Your newspaper article should include an eye witness account (like a news reporter) of the events that were going on at the River Jordan. Think about what, why, when, where and who etc. 

You might also want to include a catchy newspaper heading and a picture (not compulsory). 

If you finish this task before the end of the lesson please look at the extension activity on OneNote. 

Please upload all of your work to the baptism of Jesus OneNote page, even if it is not complete. 


Have a great half term, 

Mrs Filippi