Assignment Details

Recording Assignment 1: "Who Will Be a Witness" - Notes+Rhythms #hw


7AB: Cambiata Chorus 8 Ms. White-Rivera

Date Due

Oct. 1, 2024, 7 a.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

Please take a video of yourself singing your part of "Who Will Be a Witness" along with your part track.  Guidelines: - You will be graded on singing the correct notes and rhythms. If you don't feel confident in your ability to do this yet, you can practice with the part track as many times as you'd like before recording your assignment. I am also available most days after school for extra help.  - Use two devices (ie. phone and iPad). One to play your part track in headphones, and one to take a video of your face while you sing.  - I must be able to hear your voice louder than anything else in the video.  - Your face must be visible.  IF YOUR VIDEO DOES NOT UPLOAD TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM:  1. Upload your video to Google DRIVE instead.  2. Share it with me on Google Drive.  3. Comment on the assignment in Google Classroom to tell me you shared it on Google Drive (so I know where to look for it), and turn in the empty assignment.