Assignment Details

1/26: (B Block only)


ELA Miller 2023-2024

Date Due

Jan. 28, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info
**For B Block Students Only**
I will paste below the discussion questions we did not get to today in class. For homework this weekend I want you to choose one and answer it fully and in complete sentences. You can either submit this on Google Classroom (I will create an assignment now), or you can email me your answer.

Here are the discussion questions:
- Why does Lily decide to tell Ricky about Halmoni's illness? How does she feel after telling him?
- In chapter 19, Lily says, "Super Tiger Girl does sound cooler than Invisible Girl, and it feels kind of nice to be super" (137). What does it mean to be super?
- Lily doesn't know how to deal with Sam because "one minute she hates [her], the next she wants to have a Sister Moment" (139). Why do you think Sam switches back and forth so often? How does this affect her relationship with Lily?
- Lily and Sam remember the tiger story differently. What is the significance of this?
- Sam says she doesn't know what she would do in the tiger story scenario because she's not sure what the brave thing to do would be. According to Halmoni, what makes someone brave? (pg. 51)