Assignment Details

Jan. 18-20 In Class Assignment

Spring 2017

Systematic Theology II 418-11

Date Due

Jan. 18, 2017

Additional Info

Work on the following questions in your notebook or binder, based on your reading in Chapter 12. If you finish, study for you quiz on Monday. If you feel for some reason you cannot study theology anymore, find another course to study for.


Systematic Theology 2


Chapter 12

The Sacrament of Confirmation

  • p. 293
  • Confirmation is the sacrament by which God ________________________ and _____________________.
  • The increased gifts of the Holy Spirit strengthen us to do what?
  • What did Isaiah prophesy? And when was it fulfilled?
  • What did Christ promise to his disciples multiple times? When did it happen most dramatically? How did the Holy Spirit descend upon them?
  • p. 294
  • Is Confirmation received before or after the Eucharist in the Latin rite? (Most Catholics in the U.S. Are Latin rite)
  • Who can be confirmed?
  • Who decides the precise age/year in school that one receives Confirmation?
  • What if you are in danger of death and have not yet been confirmed?
  • Fill in the rest of the sentence: "The expectation is that young people of such ages __________________________________."
  • Have you personally already been confirmed? If no, will you be confirmed this year? Does this Ã’expectation of young people" apply to you? Can you uphold that expectation?
  • The Matter of Confirmation is:
  • Why does St. Cyprian call Baptism and Confirmation a Ã’double sacrament"?
  • The Form of Confirmation is:
  • P. 295
  • The Minister of Confirmation is:
  • The confirmation sponsor assists the confirmand in ______________.
  • The sponsor also ensures ___________________.
  • P. 297
  • Confirmation is the full __________________________.
  • It increases and deepens __________________________.
  • It imprints ________________________________, and cannot be _______ or _________.
  • Roots us more deeply as _____________ through ______________.
  • Increases the gifts of _____________.
  • Bestows special graces that enable the confirmand to ___________________________________________________.
  • Helps us _____________________, thereby bringing people
  • Who was "The Little Flower"?
  • According to her, who does God choose?