Lesson Details

Reaction Time Summative Project


Physical Science


Feb. 9, 2017

Additional Info
Use this as a guide to design your experimen: http://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/project_ideas/Sports_p009.shtml#background

Then use this ppt to help you make a powerpoint to include all that is needed. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_sH18MWLjy5DeWVorjPgT3fcjAPfZQtfgPRCZH3Mm6o/edit?usp=sharing

1. MAKE A COPY then start editing
2. Include the slides: summary, background, materials and procedure.
3. Include data you collect (3 trials each person in your group)
4. Include an article 
5. Include the following concepts (and define): velocity, reaction time, stimulus and average