Lesson Details
DAY 2 Water and Solutions (Ch. 15-16)
April 1, 2015
Additional Info
IF ABSENT, please pick a topic to explore under further investigation and write a paragraph of what you found.
(5 min) Hook/activator: Image of water cartoon, picture of soap in action (ask students what do they like and dislike of these, leading into expectations of group work)
(25 min) Further Investigation: (15 min to research, 10 minutes to present)
- Are we using too much antibacterial soap?
- How is x Ray diffraction being used to determine structures?
- How does soap work?
L1 ppt, images
L2 article
L3 computers
(20 min) Work in Groups on further exploring: include all vocab words in Ch. 15
(5 min) WRAP UP (Planning for next day) List group expectations for tic-tac-toe assignments and plan via google form