Assignment Details

Science Challenge #5 #homework #hw


Cluster 3 Science 2024-25

Date Due

Sept. 19, 2024, 2:40 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

When instructed to do so, please open this document and answer all questions to the best of your ability using your Matter Vocabulary as a resource.  There is a misconception and an error in this scenario which we'll also discuss.  Are you able to spot the misleading statement?  What are ways that we can verify the accuracy of statements in writing?  All answers should be typed and in complete sentences. When answering, consider the feedback from previous classes, expository writing: is declarative.  Try not to put opinions or thoughts.  Avoid using phrases like "I think". does not involve you personally.  Avoid using pronouns when answering questions.  Examples of words to avoid include: you, s/he, we, they, and I. in science is evidence based.  Supportive evidence/reasoning should be included in your answer. Scoring for this assignment is as follows: 2 points:  Answers are complete, demonstrate best effort, and reflect an understanding of the Matter vocabulary.  Work is submitted on time. 1 point:  Assignment is complete but does not reflect the student's best effort, OR reflects a limited understanding of the Matter Vocabulary, OR was not submitted on time. 0 points:  Did not attempt.