Assignment Details

Ghost Crystals Conclusions: Question 3 #hw #homework


Cluster 3 Science 2024-25

Date Due

Dec. 9, 2024, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

Please note: There will be no resubmissions for these questions. Please take your time and answer the question completely. Consider the question part of an assessment for the physical properties of matter. Use complete sentences and correct spelling/grammar. This will be one of your first grades of Trimester 2 3 points: Answer is correct. Answer is explained in a thorough and complete manner that demonstrates a solid connection between classroom learning and the experiment. Supportive quantitative data is used. Expository writing skills are demonstrated. 2 points. Answer is correct. Answer demonstrates a connection between classroom learning and the experiment. Only supportive qualitative data is used. Expository writing skills may be demonstrated. 1. Answer is correct. 0. Did not attempt.