Assignment Details

Cover Work - Tuesday 21st June


Spanish GCSE (Y11)


June 28, 2022

Additional Info
Hola chicas,

Sorry that I am not there for our lesson today. However please work through the following:

1. Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns Worksheet on 5.2F Mi ciudad

2. 'Como se dice...?' slide on 5.2H La ciudad y el campo -> try to do this from memory, rather than looking at the table above with the answers

3. Miss out the listening and translation, we will do this in class next week together.

4. Reading task (p90-91 in the textbook) - complete all the slides starting from Emiliano's text until the slide with all three texts and the reading comprehension questions.

5. Using a wide range of connectives (x2 slides)

6. Possessive pronouns - read the grammar explanation then complete the activities on the next 4 slides.

Extension: if you complete all of this, please head to and complete the exercises linked to the videos detailed on the PowerPoint slide.

Homework: can be found on 5.2F Mi ciudad, complete the two grammar exercises (if you are confused by the second grammar exercise then you don't have to do it) and learning vocabulary ahead of a quick vocabulary test at the start of next Tuesday's lesson.


Miss Peters