Lesson Details

10.16.23 ELA Lesson for C Block


Cluster 1 ELA 6th grade English Language Arts


Oct. 16, 2023

Additional Info
  1. On your desk: iPad, pencil, Blue Book, headphones

  2. Finish Pre-writing in your Blue Book: Have you ever been somewhere and found that the language, food, or customs were different than what you were used to? You may have felt out of place. Or perhaps you discovered that you actually had a lot in common with the people you met. Write about this experience in full sentences. Please make sure your response is at least 4 sentences long.

  3. Finish reading and listening to "All-American Slurp". Complete your Active Reading Notes Chart after you finish reading the story. Submit your Active Reading Note Chart on Google Classroom.

  4. Anonymously post one of your Active Reading Notes and your text evidence to support your active reading note onto your class Padlet.

  5. If you finish everything listed above, you can begin familiarizing yourself with Short Story Unit Vocabulary, which is posted as a link in our ELA Google Classroom.