Assignment Details

AMND Annotate the section


U6D Eng Lit ALF

Date Due

Nov. 9, 2023

Additional Info
Pick up from where we stopped discussing in the lesson (after the stichomythic lines between Hermia and Lysander) and up to the end of Act 1 Sc 1. Write detailed notes on the remainder of the scene.

~ look at and write notes on the imagery in Hermia’s oath to Lysander ‘I swear to thee by…’

~ Helena’s entrance and the establishment of her character and mindset - how does she ‘come across’? Justify your thoughts.

~ Analyse and evaluate Helena’s soliloquy the ends the scene. Look at the tone and imagery and how this speech serves to further the plot.

Please upload your annotations to Showbie in whatever format you have chosen to record your points.