Assignment Details
HG 1952 Concept Research Work
Date Due
Sept. 12, 2023
Additional Info
Before we can start adding the specific design details to our collaborative table, we need to make sure that we all have a firmly embedded idea of the SCHP context behind the year that we have set our HG production concept. This context needs to be explored alongside our chosen theme focuses:
- The repression of women, post Second World War.
- The recalibration of the nucleur British family, post Second World War with particular regard to the prescribed female role.
- The misunderstood and repressed subject of mental illness and psychological disturbance.
We also need to ensure that we have a strong knowledge of how these themes were treated in Ibsen’s original play (1892) and how this correlates or is different in your chosen time frame (1952) and also how these elements are relatable/different to a 2023 audience.
Fleur is going to use AI to source information.
Dhuwaraka and Alice will explore SCHP from past classes and the internet.
Please upload your research on to Showbie and be ready to talk about your findings next Tuesday.