Assignment Details

Homer - Goodies!


Greek 11H Mr. James

Date Due

Oct. 4, 2024

Additional Info
8-Mark Question:
  • OneNote/ 08. Verse Literature/ Writing/ 8 Marker 407-432.
  • Spend some time reviewing the passage and write your answer in strict exam conditions (15 minutes). Given that this is your first attempt, don't worry if you don't finish or say as much as you would like in the time.
  • Write in whichever way you do exams (i.e. handwriting/ type).
  • Tips for 8 markers:
    • No introduction/ conclusion. Just launch!
    • Select at least 5 quotations from across the passage to answer the question. Roughly one quotation for every other line.
    • Quote more than a single word but absolutely no more than a single line. You're aiming for short, punchy phrases.
    • In each paragraph, PEA: Make a Point. Give Evidence (a brief quotation in Greek translated in brackets). Analyse the quote - explain what is going on in the story in relation to the question and how the stylistic devices reinforce the point.
    • This approach should culminate in at least 5 punchy paragraphs.
Revise the translation for these lines (i.e. 407-413 and 429-432).