Lesson Details

Cover Lesson: 15/09/23


U6 Classical Civilisation Mr James


Sept. 15, 2023

Additional Info
I'm sad to be missing our lesson today. In my absence, please complete the following tasks:
  1. Revise the Parthenon:
    • OneNote: 08. Greek Religion: 04. Places of Worship: Assassin's Greed Videos.
    • Watch video 2: The Parthenon (11 minutes).
  2. Spend 15 minutes (22.5 mins with extra time) writing an answer to the following 10-mark ideas question:
    • Was the Parthenon more of a civic or a religious building?
    • Exactly the same technique as in other modules: bash out at least 5 short paragraphs. PEA: Point, Evidence (=quote a specific detail from the Parthenon), Analysis.
    • Upload your answer to OneNote: 08. Greek Religion: Essays: 10-Mark Questions.
  3. Delphi:
    • Read pages 21-31 of the booklet.
    • OneNote: 08. Greek Religion: 04. Places of Worship: Delphi - Documentary.
    • Start watching Michael Scott's documentary about Delphi.