Assignment Details

30 Marker & Book 18


U6 Classical Civilisation Mr James

Date Due

Nov. 29, 2023

Additional Info
  1. 30-Mark Question:
    • 'Greek religion never allowed the individual to experience the divine on a personal level.' Evaluate how far you agree with this statement.

  2. Iliad: Book 18:
    • Re-read Book 18.
    • Decorate the A3 summary of Book 18 with:
      • A small number of carefully chosen multi-tasking quotations in one colour.
      • Thematic notes/ analysis/ evaluation/ character notes in another colour.
Lexie - we missed you today. When you're back, come along to the downstairs staffroom to pick up an A3 summary of Book 18. Today, we started looking at the Panathenaia (topic 3). You may like to read through the PowerPoint on OneNote, if you are feeling well enough.