Assignment Details
Flowchart, 10 Marker, Revision, Reading
U6 Classical Civilisation Mr James
Date Due
Nov. 15, 2023
Additional Info
- Eleusinian Mysteries:
- Finish your flowchart (a visually accessible summary of the process of initiation). Bring this to our next lesson.
- 10-Mark Ideas Question:
- Explain why the Eleusinian Mysteries were important to the Greeks.
- Answer this questions in 15 minutes.
- Revision:
- Revise the red-figure plaque (Ninnion) for a timed 10 marker at the start of Wednesday's lesson.
- Reading:
- Read pages 34-36.
- Answer the questions on pages 34 and 36.
- Revision:
- Re-read Iliad 16. Make a flowchart to show the key events.
- Decorate your flowchart with multi-purpose quotations from Book 16.