Assignment Details

Notes: League of Nations


History Year 10

Date Due

Nov. 4, 2019

Additional Info
Please read p.36 of the textbook and add to the notes that you took in class today, on the Structure of the League, on Sheet 2.21. You don't need to include all details but there is some useful detail in the book.

Then, looking at p.37, write notes on the four LoN 'Special Commissions' in the box provided on 2.21. You can also use the back of Sheet 2.21 if you run out of space.

Thirdly, please read p.38-40 fully first, before starting Sheet 2.30. Once you have finished reading, please fill out the first side of Sheet 2.30 about Border Disputes. Label the map on the reverse side also. Finally, read about the international agreements on p.42, and fill in the table titled 'International Agreements'.