Assignment Details

Cover work for Wed - Questions and Poster


History Year 9

Date Due

Nov. 7, 2017

Additional Info
Dear All,

Apologies for my absence today. You have two tasks to complete in my absence.

Please read p.16-17 of your textbook to recap on your learning of the Middle Passage. Then, do the three activities on p.17 in your exercise book
  • Write a proper title: 'The Middle Passage'
  • Write out each question as it appears on p.17
  • Write each answer fully and neatly, skipping a line between questions.

Design a poster on your Ipad about any aspect of the Slave Trade. There are a few to choose from:
  • Reasons for the growth in the Slave Trade
  • The capture of Africans
  • The Middle Passage
  • Effects on Africa
  • Any other relevant theme you are interested in
There is plenty of information on the internet about these topics, as well as your textbook.

The poster should be designed on your Ipad. It should contain the following:
  • Illustrations & maps
  • Photos, diagrams & cartoons
  • A summary of the topic
  • Interesting / little-known  facts
But remember - posters are supposed to combine textual and visual parts. It should be informative yet easy to read and interesting to look at. There will be prizes for the best!