Assignment Details

Cover work for Mon & Tues - Renaissance Architecture


History Year 8

Date Due

Dec. 4, 2017

Additional Info
I won't be in on Monday or Tuesday - here is the cover work.

This must be finished FOR HOMEWORK for next Monday.

  1. Write the title 'Renaissance Architecture' in the next page of your exercise books.
  2. Read p.28-30 of your textbooks and do activities 1-3 on p.31. Write out each question before your answer. Make sure you develop your answer.
  3. Read p.32 of your textbook and do activities 1-4 on that page (under same title: Renaissance Architecture). Write out each question before your answer. Make sure you develop your answer.
  4. Use your Ipad to research your favourite Renaissance building and draw a labeled sketch of it in your exercise books. But make sure it is from the Renaissance period! Use the suggestions in the textbook to help you.