Assignment Details



History Year 8

Date Due

Oct. 16, 2017

Additional Info

Read your textbook p.16 and the resource attached here.


Make sure you have finished the Good Points and Bad Points, and the letter about Savonarola.


Complete Qs1-6 in yellow box of resource attached.

  • Write out the question, skip a line, then write out the answer.
  • Use the column in exercise book for numbers
  • Skip a line between each question
  • Answers must be detailed and comprehensive

Complete Qs1&2 in beige box of resource attached.

  • Write out the question, skip a line, then write a paragraph as a response
  • Use the PEA structure of paragraph writing:
  1. P- Point (what is your point)
  2. E- Evidence (what are you basing this point on? quote from sources, get info from textbook to back up your point)
  3. A- Analysis (explain your point; why is it correct?)