Assignment Details

Consequences of Persian Wars


Classics Year 8

Date Due

March 23, 2018

Additional Info
You have an extended writing activity due for Wednesday on the consequences of the Persian Wars.

Please use the attached links in order to research and write your project.

This should be approximately 1.5 A4 sides in length.

Please write a separate introduction, separate paragraphs on short term and long term effects, and then a conclusion (4 paragraphs)

You may use internet resources and you can also use the resources on the MyHomework app (used in lessons this week), but it is important that you understand what it is that you are writing. Write clearly and in simple language.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and will be penalised. Do not engage in this!

This will contribute towards your term grade so please make a good effort.

This must be hand-written in your exercise book.