Assignment Details

Summary questions on Archaeology


Classics Year 8

Date Due

Jan. 23, 2018

Additional Info
In you exercise book and under the same title 'Archaeology of Mycenae', please write the following questions, skip a line, then write a short paragraph as an answer.
  • Be neat!
  • Skip lines between questions and answers
  • Make sure to write out the question
  • Be comprehensive in your answers - each one should be a mini-paragraph (at least a few sentences).
  1. What does Schliemann's discovery of Troy and Mycenae tell us about Homer's Iliad and the legend of the Trojan War?
  2. Based on the archaeology of Mycenae, what kind of culture did the Mycenaeans have?
  3. Look at the archaeological artefacts from Mycenae. In what ways do these link Mycenae and the Mycenaeans to Homer's poems?