Assignment Details

Cover 6th Jan (P1/2)


9A1 English


Jan. 6, 2025

Additional Info
Dear Year 9,

I hope you are feeling restored after the holidays!

My apologies that I am unable to be with you today. In my absence, please work through the tasks on the attached document (I know it looks long, but it includes additional resources you will need to help you today). The document has also been dropped into the Content Library > 08. Cover Work > 'Cover 06/01/2025'. Please do copy across into your own section so you make notes.

Today's work is designed to get you started for the Prose Festival; if you have questions, please do drop me an email or ask next lessons. Your homework slots for the next few weeks will be dedicated to the prose festival.

Lastly, I'm aware that you are waiting for your poetry assessment pieces back. They are marked (well done on some great responses, many have improved from your last piece of assessed work!) and so if I have any time this week I will try and drop them into your 'All Marked Work' sections and return the hard copies to you next week.

Best wishes,
Miss Conway