Assignment Details

Biology RP4 write-up


L6D Biology Miss Cantor

Date Due

Nov. 22, 2023, 2:45 p.m.

Additional Info
Complete RP4 write-up activities:
  1. Draw graph, adding error bars using 1 standard deviation
  2. Write conclusion to explain the relationship between temperature and permeability of membranes
Key points to remember:
  • You can choose what type of graph you plot, as long as you can justify your choice/the variables you include make sense for the type of graph
  • The graph has to be hand-drawn
  • You need to do some research (A Level standard) to support your conclusion
  • Any sources you use must be cited in a bibliography that is formatted per the instructions provided previously
  • Your conclusion should include discussion of whether error bars overlap (see bottom of the page 'RP4 introduction and standard deviation' in OneNote)
What you need to hand in next week:
  • Your practical student sheet (the blue and pink one)
  • Your rough data table used during the practical itself (I will look at this as part of criterion 4b)
  • Print-out I gave to you containing table of data, with your annotations re anomalies
  • Hand-drawn graph with error bars
  • Conclusion (a paper copy, doesn't matter if hand-written or done in Word then printed out)