Lesson Details

Biology lesson: Monday 17th June


10G Biology Miss Cantor


June 17, 2024, 12:05 p.m.

Additional Info
I hope you have a great lesson! I am on the L6 Biology fieldtrip, so would like you to complete the following tasks in today's lesson.

1. Using the BBC Bitesize link, finish all tasks on the page '2a. Limiting factors' (under '11.2 Limiting factors').
2. Complete the worksheet on 'Limiting factors worksheet' in the same section.
3. Self-assess your answers on this worksheet using the answer page in the Content Library.
4. Work through the information on the page '3. Photosynthesis vs respiration' under '11.3 Photosynthesis v respiration', answering questions and filling in gaps where indicated.

If you have time left, please complete the exam questions on the page 'Starch test questions 22 marks', which can be found under '11.5 Consolidation'.

Thank you in advance for working so well for your cover teachers.