Lesson Details

Cover Lesson Writing Task


Spanish Y11 Mrs Rowe


Oct. 10, 2024

Additional Info

The objective of today's lesson is to plan and write (on paper) a 32-mark writing. Please read all instructions to the end before starting.

Please open the page 32-mark writing practice in 8.2H Describiendo mi region.

  1. You have 30 minutes to plan your essay. Look carefully at the title and underline the verbs in each section. Think about what tense they are in and what tenses you will need to write your response in. Underline the key words in the title and make sure you understand exactly what you need to write about. Scroll down to look at the markscheme and underline the key requirements for the top grade descriptor in the Content, Range of Language and Accuracy boxes. Now, using your notes, brainstorm good language for each of the cloud planning boxes to help you plan what to include in your essay.
  2. Now you have 30 minutes to write your essay on paper without notes (start this part at 9:20 at the latest and if you have extra time please make sure you start with enough time to include your extra minutes).
  3. At the end, please take a photo of your work and upload a copy to the same page you did your planning on Õ32-mark writing practice.

Muchas gracias 😊