Assignment Details
Hmwk 3. Bread worksheet
2023 - 2024
Date Due
Oct. 6, 2023
Additional Info
- Look at the photos and explain what is happening during each stage of bread making.
- Food products can be aimed at particular groups of people such as children, families, vegetarians, the elderly or people on a budget. Who would buy your rolls? Give reasons for your answer.
- Which raising agent is used to make bread?
- Why should you knead the dough?
- Why is warm water used in bread making and not cold or hot water?
- How could you adapt the bread roll recipe to
- Increase the fibre content
- Change the flavour
- Change the texture
- Complete the table to show the country of origin of the named breads.
- Refer to the mark scheme to ensure all points are covered as your work will be marked out of 10.