Lesson Details

Cover lesson Wed 15th Jan 2025


Y9 Art Mrs Kew 2024-25


Jan. 15, 2025

Additional Info
Dear Year 9, sincere apologies for not seeing you for the second week in a row! 

I have laid out all your journeys projects on the usual table in my room. Can you please take some really good photos of your final piece, including close ups of details. Please then upload these photos to Showbie in our Journeys folder no. 9 final piece. Once you have uploaded your photos please complete the evaluation form that you will find in the same folder and assignment. Please write this out and complete in the lesson and upload this to the same place as your photos. Please put your journeys projects  back on the table.

If you finish this in the lesson please go to the architecture folder and go to assignment no.6 called artist research. There are three architects to choose from. You will be researching these later in the term but select your favourite one of these three and your favourite of their buildings, start to research this building and the architect in preparation for further research later in the term.