Assignment Details

Artist photography


23-24 8Z (Wed) Art Mrs Kew

Date Due

Oct. 4, 2023

Additional Info
1. Following our discussion in class where you were introduced to a huge range of artists, select your favourite artist from this power point presentation. Remember the traffic light system to help guide you on the difficulty of the artist you choose. This artist will inspire and influence your painting for the rest of the term such as their colours, style and painting technique and you will also undertake written research on this artist so choose wisely. Please upload a copy of the artist portrait you will be studying to showbie, you can use the images off my power point, if you select a slightly different portrait they have done make sure it is an original as there are many copy cat artists out there, the date is a good indication to check it is original.

2. This week at home you should recreate a self portrait in the style of your artist, as we discussed in class think about your clothes, make up, hair and more importantly lighting, environments and props. Remember to photo only your head and shoulders even if your artist shows more of the body, your canvas is quite small and your head needs to be large on the canvas. Try to avoid hands these are very difficult to