Assignment Details

Crime map description and explanation


8HP Geography Mrs Howitt

Date Due

Nov. 20, 2024

Additional Info
For some reason this didn't save last Monday, despite me writing a paragraph of instructions!
So I'll set it now a week later:

1. Take a screenshot of crime in your area or an area you know well. 
2. Describe the pattern (remember you can zoom in and out and change the layers for types of crimes.) Start by saying if crime is evenly or unevenly spread. If it is unevenly spread you can use directions, and words like concentrated or clustered to describe the pattern. Other descriptive words useful to apply are in the lesson work on the worksheet in the Section 'Fighting Urban Crime. 
3. Attempt to explain the pattern (remember it's not all about burglaries, many of the crimes are Anti-social behaviuor (so look for pubs and clubs), theft can be associated with shopping areas etc.