Assignment Details
Final NEA data collection sheets and maps plus list
Date Due
Oct. 14, 2022
Additional Info
1. Please upload your list of data collection you need to do on the day. Keep it somewhere safe as you will need it!
2. Please upload your final set of data collection sheets, blank maps for annotation, questionnaires etc by Friday.
3. Make sure you have put in the discussion box in the Week 4 section what is appearing.
4. In your 90 mins of NEA prep this week you may well get on to secondary data eg census info. This you might need for stratified sampling anyway of questionnaires.
5. Make sure you have contacted your interviewees by next week, using a suitable statement which takes into account the ethics of research. Ie they should know what the data is used for (geography A level coursework) , how it will be stored (securely) and for how long (the duration of the study), their right to remain anonymous.
I will then look at them before Monday which is our last NEA lesson before you go to collect your data.