Project Details


Fall 2023

US History

Date Due

May 22, 2024

Additional Info

The juniors, as their final semester project, will be researching and presenting on  landmark events in American history that impacted the country's laws, society, and culture.

Preparations for this event will commence at the beginning of this semester. Students (in groups) will be  required to complete in-depth research, by installments, on their assigned EVENT. For specificity, the research is geared at pinpointing the various ISSUES that affected the growth of these United States. Groups and Events are also attached.

Presentation MUST include:

  • Poster
  • TV AD
  • Interview
  • Art Work
  • Music Video


Research Component:

  1. Thesis Statement (10 points):

    • Clear and concise thesis statement that addresses the significance of the chosen landmark event.
  2. Research Depth (15 points):

    • Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the historical context, causes, and consequences of the landmark event.
    • Provides well-researched and credible sources to support arguments.
  3. Historical Accuracy (15 points):

    • Presents accurate information and avoids historical inaccuracies or misconceptions.
    • Properly cites sources and uses a variety of perspectives.
  4. Critical Analysis (15 points):

    • Analyzes the impact of the landmark event on American society, politics, and culture.
    • Evaluates different interpretations and perspectives on the event.
Artistic Interpretation Component:
  1. Creativity (15 points):

    • Demonstrates a creative and original approach to presenting the landmark event.
    • Utilizes unique artistic elements (e.g., visual arts, music, drama) effectively.
  2. Clarity of Expression (10 points):

    • Presents ideas in a clear and organized manner.
    • Artistic interpretation effectively communicates the historical significance.
  3. Emotional Impact (10 points):

    • Elicits an emotional response from the audience, connecting the viewer to the historical event.
  4. Relevance to Theme (10 points):

    • Artistic interpretation aligns with the chosen landmark event and enhances understanding.
Overall Presentation:
      1. Integration of Research and Artistic Interpretation (15 points):

        • Successfully combines historical research with the artistic interpretation to create a cohesive and meaningful presentation.
      2. Engagement (10 points):

        • Maintains the audience's interest throughout the presentation.
      3. Organization and Structure (10 points):

        • Presents a well-organized and structured project, with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

      Judges' Discretion (10 points):

      • Allows judges to award additional points based on unique, exceptional, or outstanding elements not covered by the rubric.

      Total Points: 150
