Project Details


Fall 2023

Global Studies 3 & 4

Date Due

Sept. 28, 2023

Additional Info

Be creative but stay true to the character of the time period.
- Use any or all aspects of the Renaissance in your project.
- Present/share your creation with the class. You should try to speak to the class using the
language of the time period.
- You will receive a project grade based on the quality of your information (including works cited,
presentation, and creativity).
- Create a works cited page using proper MLA format
  • EXAMPLE: "Page or Article Title." Name of Site. Publishing Organization, Day Month Year of publication or psoting. Medium of publication. Day Month Year accessed."Bridge of Khazad-dûm." Tolkien Gateway. n.p., n.d. Web. 13 Aug. 2015
Note: if no date information is available, use n.d., and if no publisher information is available, use n.p.

  1. Design a facebook page as if you were a significant Renaissance figure (artist, inventor, writer, thinker, etc.). Include pictures, wall posts, friends, and anything else you feel they would probably have on their page. You can create this digitally or in print.
  2. Create a Renaissance game. This could be a board game (like candy land!) or a computer game (maybe like my review jeopardy games from class), it can be multi-player or single-player, you decide
  3. Create a Renaissance book. This could be in the form of a childrenês book, a scrap book, a short graphic novel, an adult short story or a collection of poems. It does not have to be too lengthy but it should be creative and informative.
  4. Create a short play or skit that portrays an important event during the renaissance, addresses a topic or theme important to renaissance thinking or shows a possible day in the life of any renaissance person. (On presentation day, you can either have other classmates help you act out your play or you can have it previously recorded on dvd to show it)
  5. Create a Renaissance DBQ. Create documents that may Include pictures, quotes, graphs, charts, etc. and have 2 questions for each document. Create a historical context and task/question. The topic should reflect an important theme of the renaissance that a high school student like yourself could write about.
  6. Create an illustrated chronology (timeline) of important accomplishments and events of the renaissance. This could be in the form of a digital story board or a traditional poster-style timeline.
  7. Write a song (in any genre) about t the Renaissance or any important figure of the Renaissance.
  8. Pick a piece of Renaissance art and write an art review including a description of the artwork, what elements of Renaissance art it possesses, background information about it and its location, a short biography of the artist, and any other pertinent information about the artwork you can provide.