Lesson Details

Monday 20th Jan


L6B RS Philosophy


Jan. 27, 2025

Additional Info
Good morning!
Please complete the following work in the double lesson this morning:
1. Review the notes we made on William Paley's design argument. Then complete the two empty boxes on Paley to show his argument in the form of premises leading to his conclusion (like we did for Aquinas). This is all on the class pack.
2. Go to the page on Hume's criticisms. Using the textbook to help you if needed, highlight and annotate the 7 criticisms to show your understanding.
3. Underneath the last criticism, use the space to rank the criticisms that Hume makes from best (most successful) to worst (least successful).
4. Return to the class pack and read the remaining slides on JS Mill, Darwin's evolution and the views of Dawkins and Stephen Fry. (Do NOT worry about the anthropic principle slides from 'Can teleological arguments work today?' - leave those for next week!)
5. Go to the Homework section for this unit and see the essay guidance. Using the A3 sheets for planning - spend the rest of the lesson helping each other to plan the homework essay on paper - use your iPad and the textbooks as resources to help, and any other books etc in H2.