Lesson Details

Friday 7th October




Oct. 7, 2022, 4 p.m.

Additional Info
  1. Finishing off from yesterday: go to the Baptism Folder, now open 'Jesus' Baptism' assignment. Start by reading the Bible extract from Matthew chapter 3. Then watch my short video in this assignment, explaining a little about this passage.
  2. Open up the Jesus Baptism sheet - this is a writing task which you can use your apple pencil for and write directly onto the iPad. You should IMAGINE that you are a witness to this baptism - you are by the river Jordan, and you see Jesus being baptised and you see first-hand the dove appearing and you hear the voice of God - what do you make of it all? Use the space to write your first-hand witness account of this event and try to describe the emotions you are feeling!
  3. You may colour in the Baptism sheet and write in the voice of heaven words in the speech bubble.
  4. Create a timeline of your life so far, which shows all of the important events or stages in your life...it is up to you what you deem to be important! You may either do this on paper, or you may use a suitable app on your iPad e.g. Notability. Try to include some images to go with your important milestone events.

If you finish everything on this list, then please check over all of your work, and then read quietly for the rest of the lesson please.

Anyone who hasn't yet handed in last week's homework: Please make sure that you have uploaded your homework questions on the birth stories of Jesus to the homework folder on Showbie please, or that you are ready to hand this in to the teacher covering you today (remember to put your name on any work you hand in!) Remember that there is no homework for RE this week.