Lesson Details

Monday 10th Oct




Oct. 10, 2022, 4 p.m.

Additional Info
Sorry everyone to miss your lesson today.

Please could you make sure your part d homework on the soul is uploaded to the homework folder.

then please look at packs 15-18 on selfishness, greed, ignorance and sin.
1. Read these through
2. In pairs, each pair will take one pack and create a poster to explain the main points - use A4 plain paper. Make sure you include key terms, use colour well and think about different revision techniques.
Selfishness: Anya & Tamsin
Greed: Mia and Harriet
Ignorance: Louisa and Lily
Sin: Temisha and Alexandra

3. Please hand these posters in to Miss Hiley at the end of the lesson.

thank youÂ