Assignment Details

Develop into ideas


U6B Drama (Mr Jones)

Date Due

Sept. 17, 2024, 8:30 a.m.

Additional Info
Thank you again for your conversation today. It was really affecting to listen to.

Take everything you spoke about today with such eloquence and start collecting stories, ideas, statistics, articles, interviews, personal experiences and your thoughts towards specific issues.

What do you connect with? I think you saw how important it is today to connect with what you are creating.

Build this into a big collection of potential content.
It’s also important to consider alternative perspectives to your own.

Come up with a thesis.
Come up with an antithesis.

Consider how your ideas can form a performance.

If you wish to stick to the structure we’ve used:
  1. Prologue
  2. Thesis 1
  3. Antithesis 1
  4. Comedy bonus
  5. Thesis 2
  6. Antithesis 2
  7. Epilogue