Assignment Details

Lessons 3&4 today


10G Drama (Mr Jones)


Dec. 4, 2023, 12:05 p.m.

Additional Info
Good morning everyone,

I’m sorry to say I’m off poorly today, so you’ll have cover.

  1. Please get your scripts and pencils out ready.
  2. Could one of you please log into the website digital theatre plus and log in. Username: guildfordhs      Password: Drama123
  3. Search for The Crucible and find the production you were watching before.
  4. Share to the big screen so you can all watch together.
  5. Watch from 52.50 to 1.50.52 making notes in your script.
  6. Focus your notes on plot, character, the relationship between John Proctor and Elizabeth Proctor, Mary Warren.
  7. Once you’ve reached the end of Act 2 (called Act 1 on the recording), stop.
  8. Compare and share notes. What do we now think of Elizabeth Proctor? What was Elizabeth Proctor’s intention throughout this scene?
  9. If you finish all of this before 12:05, revisit your John and Elizabeth scenes. Add the dialogue back in and adapt your performances to include the information you now know about each character.