Lesson Details

Cover lesson Tuesday 15th Nov


Yr9 French Mme Watters


Nov. 15, 2022

Additional Info
Sorry I can't be in the lesson today please complete the following work and ensure it is ready to be marked on OneNote:
  1. In Module 2, 2.1 Point de depart complete slides 9-12 Slide 9 (defi avec un partenaire)- translate into French; Slide 10 translate the 3 phrases with your partner into English; Slide 11 translate into French; Slide 12 Answer the question- what do you buy with your pocket money. Write at least 40 words- extend your response using the hints. Slides 9-12 should take you 30 minutes max.
  2. In Student 2.1 Qu'est-ce que tu veux faire plus tard? complete the starter on Slide 1, copy over the names of the profession sent separately on OneNote onto Slide 2. Complete the gapfill on Slide 3 and write in the English on Slide 4. On Slide 7 Write about what you want to do later in life and one thing you do not want to do following the examples. Complete the verb vouloir on Slide 8 -see any similarities with devoir or pouvoir? Finally on slide 10 complete the sentences in French and then translate into English. The English for the missing words is continue, study, job, go, do, work.