Lesson Details

Cover lesson


Yr9 French Mme Watters


Nov. 16, 2022

Additional Info
So sorry to not be there again today. 2.1 Qu’est-ce que tu veux faire plus tard?
  1. Well done on your work yesterday- please look at the comments I have written and make any corrections needed.
  2. Translate the 4 sentences into French on slide 14
  3. Slide 5&6 ex 2 listening activity on opinions of jobs
  4. Slide 13- p36 ex 6 about reasons for wanting to do certain jobs
  5. Slide 15 Using the ideas in the blue box, as well your own, complete the 6 phrases about future wishes- they need to make sense. Try to expand as much as you can.
  6. Extra- read through the teachit les emplois presentation and complete the last page to talk about your future plans.