Lesson Details
Our lesson today
Feb. 7, 2022
Additional Info
I’m afraid I’ve tested positive for covid and am not feeling well enough to teach online. For today please complete the following work on Showbie under Monaraquías section, still in the first presentation under La dictadura:
- Slide 34- answer 2a multiple choice without reading the article- this is just to check your understanding of Francoism and the civil war so far. It should be a very quick 1-2 minute exercise.
- Slides 30-32 (kerboodle p90-91) read the famous poem by Antonio Machado, complete exercise 3b- a vocab check, 3c- listen and complete the gaps and 3d translate the last section. -should easily complete in 1st lesson.
- Slides 35-42 (kerboodle p92-93) read the section from a novel about a nationalist who escaped death thanks to the kindness of a republican during the Spanish civil war. Complete ex 1a and 1b, not 1c. Then check your understanding of the preterite tense, especially those grave that don’t take accents! Complete the 6 translation sentences in ex3 and then complete the listening ex2 on censorship during the dictatorship. This should take you one lesson to complete if you get straight down to it!
Complete remaining for homework.