Assignment Details

Revise for Attainment Test


Latin 9G Mrs Robertson

Date Due

Nov. 16, 2023

Additional Info

Your Attainment Test will be next Thursday (16th). Revise for the test, paying attention to the below information to guide your revision.

1) The vocabulary section will only require a knowledge of the words in Chapters 4-6.

2) The grammar section will test your knowledge of: possessive adjectives, positive and negative commands, the future tense endings (1st & 2nd conjugation only), and the basic uses of the cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative) including the accusative of time 'how long for'.

3) The translation will be a very short story (rather than sentences).

4) The Culture and Context will focus on: prophecies, oracles, the three Fates, Aeneas' fate, and the Sibylline books. You will find all the information on pages 176 and 179.