Assignment Details

Book 17 Reading


Classical Civilisation L6 The Iliad

Date Due

Dec. 8, 2023

Additional Info
Please read lines 1-183 of Book 17 and answer the questions in the Reading Questions section of your folder (also copied here).

  1. Who noticed Patroclus' death and went to guard the body. 
  2. What does Euphorbus do, and what happens to him?
  3. What does Apollo want Hector to a) stop doing, and b) start doing?
  4. What thought process does Menelaus go through when he sees Hector approaching? What does this tell us about the heroic mentality in The Iliad?
  5. What does Hector want to do with Patroclus' body in lines 125-130?
  6. Which two warriors come back to protect Patroclus' body?
  7. Why does Glaucus rebuke Hector and what does he accuse him of?
  8. What does Hector's response add to your view of his character?