Assignment Details

Cover - 11.08.24



Date Due

Sept. 11, 2024

Additional Info
Firstly, you will be in the CAP room today. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend today's lesson. In my absence please begin the rehearsal process. The Directors should have created a schedule for the rehearsals and they will be in charge of this and oversee the rehearsal process. I expect you all to approach the production and your individual roles with enthusiasm and maturity. 
If you are part of the backstage team, please ensure that you continue to develop ideas for your role e.g. if you are lighting, music, sound, please plan what you will use and when (mark this clearly on your script), if you are costume, hair and make-up or props, you should collate ideas for this and plan what you may need to bring / buy (I recommend a spreadsheet to keep track of who is bringing in what and what you need to buy), if you are an actor but not needed for the scenes being rehearsed today, you must focus on learning your lines. Homework tonight is line learning!
We must ensure we use all the time we have wisely, so please do ensure you are all team-players and focused!