Assignment Details

Monday, 3/20 Weekly Writing 23 #HW


Cluster 5 ELA

Date Due

March 27, 2023, 7:40 a.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

Write in your writing notebook for at least 15 minutes. Choose one of these prompts: 1. Think about a favorite thing that you own. Write a descriptive essay to describe this item using words that explain how it sounds, looks, smells, tastes, or feels. Describe it so someone else can picture it in their mind. 2.“You must do the thing you think you cannot do,” is a quote by Eleanor Roosevelt, a former First Lady of the United States. Write about something you did that you didn’t think you could do. Include specific details. Mark as done when you're finished. You don't need to add an attachment- I will check your writing in class.