Assignment Details

Wednesday, 1/5 Classwork #HW


ELA Caliman 2021-2022

Date Due

Jan. 6, 2022, 7:40 a.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

Hi Cluster 2, I have to be out with Emmet today, so the plan for the day needs to change a little bit. You'll have time to share your research and learn about other topics another day.  Please complete the following work independently: 1. If you need to, finish researching and filling out the Song for a Whale KWL chart. 2. If you haven't yet, add at least 5 pieces of information about your topic to the Background Info Slides assignment from yesterday. This should be information from your research that you think other people should know. 3. Fill out the attached Book Group form. 4. Choose one of the prompts on the attached document to complete. Use the sharrow so you can type it right in Docs.
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