Assignment Details

Student Homework Survey #HW


Advisory- Caliman 2021-2022

Date Due

June 15, 2022, 11:59 p.m.

Additional Info

Classroom Page

High Rock will be examining research, needs of students, observations of families, and voices of the students and educators to create a common understanding of homework in grade 6. As a student that has completed this year at High Rock, we are asking you to complete this brief survey.  Your participation in this survey will assist us in guiding our work on behalf of students. Please complete this brief form: Student HOMEWORK Survey. There are three sections to this survey: Experience of Students ~ We are asking about your experience with homework along with students regarding Independent Reading and the IXL Online Math program.Online Organizers, Planners, & Information ~ We would like to know your use of online organizers, planners, and information systems at High Rock.Thoughts and Additional Information ~ We would like to hear any thoughts you have about homework.
2022 Homework Survey Students