Assignment Details

part a questions


11B History Miss Sloan

Date Due

Nov. 11, 2022

Additional Info

Explain two ways in which Chinese agriculture was different in 1950 compared to 1962.

Refer to your notes on the Agrarian Reform Law (1950) and collectivisation (1958-62) 6 marks

  1. Land ownership
  2. Scale of farming
  3. Struggle meetings were a feature of the Agrarian Reform Law which resulted in death. Whereas...
  4. Reason for it Ð first was communism, second was Mao felt the peasants were keeping food

Explain two ways in which the First United Front was similar to the Second United Front (6marks)

  1. Aims
  2. Outcome
This is not holiday homework. I am setting it on our usual day and giving you longer than the normal amount of school time to complete it.

As always, please handwrite (unless you type in the exam) and bring to the lesson.