Assignment Details

comparative question


11B History Miss Sloan

Date Due

March 21, 2023

Additional Info

Source E: Extracts from the demands of the Krondstadt sailors, 1921

รก To re-elect the soviets immediately by secret voting because the soviets now do not represent the will of the workers and peasants [because they are now controlled by the Bolsheviks].

Freedom of speech for workers, peasants, anarchists and socialist parties.

All political prisoners from socialist parties to be released, as well as all workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors who have been imprisoned for taking part in [anti-Bolshevik] working-class and peasant movements.

All workers to have equal rations.

To grant peasants the full right to do what they think best with their own land.

Source F: An extract from the Kronstadt Izvestia, a newspaper produced by the sailors during the mutiny of March 1921.

The Bolsheviks carried out nationalisation of plants and factories. From a slave of the capitalist, the worker became a slave of the bureaucratic institutions.

The entire labouring peasantry was counted with the kulaks, declared an enemy of the people. In exchange for grain requisitioned, and cows and horses taken away, there were Cheka raids and executions. Famine now dooms many peasants to hunger and death

Any free thought, any fair criticism of the actions of the criminal rulers was made a crime, punishable by imprisonment, and not rarely even by execution.

Study sources E and F

How far does source F support the evidence of source E about why the Kronstadt sailors opposed the Bolsheviks? Explain your answer.