Assignment Details



U6C Geography NEA 23-24 JRP

Date Due

Nov. 24, 2023

Additional Info
Please hand in your finished* presentation sheets by 4pm on 24/11.  Preferably, these will collated (e.g. if you are combining multiple items onto an A2/3 sheet, they will be in place and stuck down).  Each item should have a figure caption, but leave figure numbers as 'Figure 3.x' at the moment.  If you have lots of items on one sheet, the whole sheet needs a caption and number (e.g. Figure 3.x: Physical factors affecting the need for coastal management at Hurst Castle Spit) and then each item needs a number and caption too (e.g. Figure 3.x.a: compound bar chart showing annual storm frequency at Milford).

* we will have chats about what you have submitted and you will have a chance to revisit them, but there shouldn't be any gaps - everything you want to present should be there, even if it's not perfect.